Scroll below to explore our day-to-day information, useful for parents and carers, including:




Term Dates:



Summer Half Term - 27th May – 31st May 2024

INSET DAYS - 3rd - 4th June 2024

Last Day of school - 24th July 2024

Bank Holidays

Early May Bank Holiday - 6th May 2024

Spring Bank Holiday - 27th May 2024


INSET DAY - 2nd September 2024

Return to school - 3rd September 2024

Autumn Half Term - 28th October - 1st November 2024

Christmas Break - 23rd December - 3rd January 2025

Return to school - 6th January 2025

Spring Half Term - 17th - 21st February 2025

Easter Break - 7th - 21st April 2025

Return to school - 22nd April 2025

INSET DAY - 16th May 2025

Summer Half Term - 26th May – 30th May 2025

INSET DAY - 4th July 2025

Last Day of school - 18th July 2025

INSET DAYS - 21st - 22nd July 2025

Bank Holidays

Good Friday - 18th April 2025

Easter Monday - 21st April 2025

Early May Bank Holiday - 5th May 2025

Spring Bank Holiday - 26th May 2025


After School Clubs & Activities:

For more information, please contact the school office.


Autumn Term 2023:


Instrumental Lessons - Subject to Availability - Click here for the letter with details




This information is provided for parents and carers.

Keeping your children safe online is really important. It is vital parents and carers share in spreading awareness across our community as to the risks posed by using the internet. Below are some useful links for parents and carers.

Useful Links:

National Online Safety Guides for Parents - These resources are easy to understand and provide advice on a wide range of programmes, websites and games.

CEOP - The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command

Reporting Concerns - CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Guidance for Children - Click the link to visit our Pupils page where we provide further information for our young people.


How to Control Internet Access at Home

Your child's safety online is as important as their offline safety. In this guide, learn all about broadband parental controls and how to make sure they are protected

How to set up broadband parental controls

In the UK, these are just some of the broadband providers that give customers free parental controls, which can be enabled at any time:

·         BT

·         Sky

·         Talk Talk

·         Virgin Media

·         Vodafone

·         Plusnet


Home Learning:


Partnership Learning Platform

The Partnership Learning Platform originally began as our rapid response to Covid-19 school closures. It has evolved into a full scheme of lessons, with high quality resources to ensure that any child at home can access a broad and balanced curriculum. For each year group there are differentiated learning resources for every day of the week. If our children are required to isolate at home, or if the school is required to close, you will find everything you need via the learning platform ready for remote learning.

Click Here to enter the Partnership Learning Platform.

Pip and Pap Family Hub

Click Here to visit the Pip and Pap Phonics Family Hub.


Late & Absent:

Attendance is important to us. If children are not in school regularly this can hamper their academic and social progress.

If your child is absent for reasons of sickness, please let the school office know promptly by telephone or by email. We are required to keep records of all absences.

Attendance is celebrated weekly as a whole school and daily in class.

Families are supported by Mrs. Olney, our Deputy Director of Vulnerable Children. It is her role to liaise with families and offer support and challenge for you to improve your child’s attendance. Attendance is tracked daily by leaders and monitored weekly by our Senior Team. It forms a central element when we discuss children’s provision and outcomes. 

If you wish to take your child out of school for any other reason you will need to complete an ‘Application for leave of absence’ form. In line with government policy we do not authorise leave of absence for family holidays during term time. If you take your child out of school for a holiday, you risk the local authority issuing a penalty notice or pursuing a prosecution.

In the case of unauthorised holiday, a penalty notice may be issued straight away, without a warning letter.

The penalty notice will be issued by post to a pupil’s home, after one warning letter. Cases of unauthorised absence include pupils caught on Truancy Sweeps, persistent late attendance after the register has closed, internal truanting from lessons and unauthorised holiday.

Good attendance is rewarded weekly with raffle tickets to enter a prize draw at the end of term.  100% attendance at the end of every term is rewarded with cake with Mrs Montague.

Lunch Menus:


Click Here to view our latest lunch menu.

We have an on-site kitchen and mid-day meals of excellent quality are prepared by our cook and her team. Our catering team work for Southampton City Catering, a privatised company formed by Southampton City Council.

Click here for cooking at home recipes.

If you think that your child may be entitled to a free school lunch please ask at the school office. We are happy to advise parents of their entitlement. No one ever knows if a child receives a free lunch or a paid lunch.

Click Here to read more about eligibility.

Click Here for Free School Meal information.


Opening Times:


The school day is as follows:

8.20am - Classrooms are Open

8.30am - Morning registration

8.40am - 12.30pm - Morning session

10.30am - 10.45am - Break 

1.30pm - 3.30pm - Afternoon session

The school office is open from 8.30am until 4:00pm




We use an on-line system to administer payments to the school.  This system is called Tucasi and pupil logins are available by contacting the school office.

Payments for lunches, trips, school facilitated after school clubs and more can be taken using the link below.

Click here - to access SCOPAY.

Useful Links:

Mansel Park Charging Policy

Information about how to apply for Free School Meals


School Uniform:


Taking pride in school is important and one way of showing it and sharing a sense of identity is through school uniform and personal appearance. All children are expected to come to school smartly turned out. We would ask that children do not have extreme fashion haircuts, dye, or style their hair inappropriately.

We also request that children do not wear earrings to school.  Our main feeder schools also do not allow earrings at any time so we would appreciate your support with this.

To help families our uniform is very flexible, and most items can be readily bought from many high street outlets.

Mansel Park uniform can be purchased using the link below.

Useful Links: - To order uniform


Useful Links:


NSPCC - The UK’s Children’s Charity

Childnet - Help, advice and support for parents and carers.

Action for Children Charity

Sleep - A useful fact sheet.

CEOP - Police online safety centre.

ThinkUknow - Useful online safety advice and educational resources.

Parent Zone - Online safety resources.

Safer Internet Centre - Online safety resources.

NSPCC Online Safety - Online safety resources.

BBC Bitesize

Department for Education

Southampton City Council

Superstar Sports - Our Sports Provider

Discover the Music Ltd - Our Music Provider - Family Support

Pip and Pap Phonics - Our Phonics Programme

Family Hub - A family hub is a place for children and families to enjoy stay and play sessions - Southampton city

Following the recent news and concern about the rising cases of Measles and other winter illnesses in children, Public Health have some ‘Back to School’ advice:  UKHSA reminds parents of back-to-school advice - GOV.UK (

In addition, the following links may be useful. 

MEASLES - Don’t let your child catch it (

MEASLES - Protect yourself, protect others (

Translations of Routine Immunisation Schedule QR Code Poster - Health Publications


Measles :: Healthier Together ( Healthier Together app has been developed by local clinicians and offers advice on all the most common childhood illnesses. Treating children at home with medicines from a local pharmacy is often the easiest and quickest way to help them get better. If it is something more serious, the NHS Healthier Together App will guide you to the right NHS help, should you need it. 

Visit to download from the App Store or get it on Google Play.