Into University Day 3 

Well what an adventure we had today with Into University!

Today, we visited the campus of Southampton University. We headed to the maths building to start our day and meet our student ambassadors, who were going to give us a tour of the campus. Our pupils were very tired when we reached our hub because we had to climb over 100 stairs! But not too tired to ask our burning questions and find out lots of information about what they studied and what made them want to go to university.

We then had a look around the campus. We visited: the library, the music hall, the sports centre, the cinema in the student union and we even got to see a robot dog! The children were ecstatic. We also got to see the original architecture from 1862 when the original campus was built. It consisted of four statues, that looked like they were holding up the building. The university were creating a rose garden for the statues to be placed in and it was a beautiful calm space to be away from the hustle and bustle of campus life.

After a quick rehearsal and some much needed refreshments, we were ready to show our family and friends what we had been learning about, whilst wearing our graduation cap and gowns. It took a lot of confidence to get up and speak in front of everyone but we persevered and worked as a team and we are super proud of what we have achieved this week. We had three more PAZ band winners to end the week off. For aiming high and asking deep, thoughtful questions: Patience - for being respectful and kind to others. Mia-Rose - for making the Into University team feel welcome at Mansel Park. The third award, for being focused and being a pleasure at the centre went to Riley B. Last but not least the winning team was…Alan Turing, congratulations! The children all represented themselves and the school impeccably.


Visit Southampton’s Free Family Christmas Walking


Into University Day 2