Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! This term in Year R we are building on our learning about different religions and cultures and their special celebrations by focussing on Chinese New Year. We will be doing lots of cross-curricular activities to fully immerse ourselves in this learning experience. This year, Chinese New Year falls on Saturday 10th February.

Our focus text for Writing this week was Five Minutes Peace by Jill Murphy. Throughout the week we have been practicing writing CVC words, such as ‘mum’, by listening for the initial, medial and final sounds. Alongside this, we have been using the story to help us learn about family trees.

In Maths we have been learning all about repeating patterns! We learnt that some patterns follow the rule A,B,A,B. Over the course of the week we have made our own patterns using resources, and used our knowledge to correct patterns with mistakes. At the end of the week we broadened our knowledge of shape and patterns by beginning to learn about tessellation.

Our foundation subjects this week have been History and EAD. In History we have been developing our understanding of timelines by using our visual timetable. We developed our understanding by learning about the three tenses: past, present and future. We learnt that the present is what we're doing right now, the past are things that happened earlier in the day and the future is what hasn't happened yet.


Year 2 Pip and Pap Phonics Workshop


National Literacy Trust