Year 3 blog:

Kate Pankhurst Virtual Visit

Year 3 were thrilled to receive a personalised video from Kate Pankhurst this week, author of 'Fantastically Great Women that Changed the World', and distant relative of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. 

As part of the session, Kate introduced many 'fantastically great women' through history - can you guess who they are?

Pupils looked at Frida Kahlo, Josephine Baker and Amelia Earhart as part of the session, learning about how they were 'Architects of a Better World' and contributed to changing history. Year 3 will be studying Kate's book this half term and the session with Kate served as a fantastic hook to introducing her text and our topic.

At the end of the webinar, Kate showcased her illustration process, giving a step-by-step guide as to how to draw Amelia Earhart. Our pupils had a go too - aren't their interpretations fantastic?


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