Year 5 Blog
In writing this term, Year 5 have been exploring the rugged, beautiful and dangerous
wilderness of Alaska. They have immersed themselves in the topic, imagining
themselves soaring through the air in a small aircraft, or traversing the USA’s largest
state on foot, overcoming myriad obstacles along the way. They have written some
excellent recounts, and are currently writing their own survival stories based on Bear
Grylls’ “The Way of the Wolf”.
In Maths, Year 5 have learned about division and have made excellent progress with
this, applying their expertise to a range of challenging question types. They have
now moved on to learning all about fractions, and have solved questions to do with
finding equivalent fractions.
Year 5 have been learning all about the work of Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol in
Art, and have been combining their respective styles to create abstract portrait prints.
These are looking fantastic so far!
As historians, year 5 have been learning about life for children in the Victorian era,
and have been comparing this to their own lived experiences, finding some
similarities and many differences! They particularly enjoyed seeing photos of
Southampton from this time period, and were able to recognise some still-visible
locations and landmarks.
Well done Year 5!