Eco update

Our senior team were really excited to see the eco-warriors messages dripping into the young minds of all across the school. Last week we received a very special letter from a team of children who had collaborated together to create their very own ‘Eco-club’! The children also made their own posters, badges and modelled litter picking on the playgrounds. The ‘eco-bug’ has caught across the KS2 playground and more children have joined forces with them!

Take a look at their letter below and the response they received:

To Miss Calton, Mr Lodge, Miss Firmin & Mrs Montague,

We are really passionate about helping the ecosystem for a better world to live in. We thought that we could have litter pickers on the playground to pick up rubbish to make the playground clean and tidy. We are cleaning the world to make it a better place. We are using plastic gloves to keep us healthy and safe. We would love some gloves that are friendly to our world.

This club has started with 2 eco-warriors and now we are a whole team of Year 3 & 4 children. We are a growing team! We have been passionate at home too!

Thank you for reading our letter!

Dear LKS2 children,

This is brilliant! I have ordered some special things to help you with your litter picking mission as we are so proud of you all. As soon as they arrive we will let you know. See if you can come up with a plan for litter picking for the Key Stage 2 playground.

Well done!

Mrs Montague

Today our litter pickers and jackets arrived! We created a set of rules to keep us safe these were:

·         Keep your litter picker down low – below your waist

·         Pickers are for litter, not people!

·         Don’t touch any rubbish

·         Stay as a group

·         Always wash your hands after


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