Red Rockets Parent Workshop:

Many thanks to parents who attended our Year 2 & Key Stage 2 Reading Workshop last week, explaining our "Red Reading Rockets," and the expectations for reading fluency and comprehension after completion of our Pip and Pap Phonics programme.

If you were unable to attend the workshop, please find a copy of the powerpoint used in the session below, and further information about Reading Rockets.

Every child at our school has been given a list of words to best support their current reading level, depending on where they are within our phonics programme – the Orange, Pink, Green or Purple Phase for pupils in Year R-2. 

For pupils in Year 2 and above who have finished the Pip and Pap Phonics programme, we have now introduced the ‘Red Reading Rocket’ phase of words. Words from this phase contain less common letter-sound correspondences and have been carefully chosen to help expand children’s vocabulary. We will challenge children to use the words in a sentence verbally before moving onto the next set. 

We would welcome your support in helping your child to practise their words (Reading Rockets) at home. Once you feel your child is secure at reading the words on their list and that they can use them in a sentence, please inform their class teacher through a note in the Home/School Progress Book.

You can count practising reading words from the list with your child as a daily ‘read’ to log in your child’s Home/School Progress Book. Please indicate this practise when you sign your child’s diary. Many thanks for your continued support.

PDF copy of the powerpoint used in the session below, and further information about Reading Rockets.


Exploring Nature:


Getting to school: