Year 2 blog


This term we have explored mythical creatures and legends so that we could write a fact file. We used our imagination to create our own and thought about what they looked like, their powers and where they lived. In the process we have learnt lots of new exciting vocabulary.


We have started off our term focusing on 2D and 3D shapes. We enjoyed going on a shape hunt around the classroom and learning about their properties. We had lots of fun exploring patterns and discovering lines of symmetry. We are now moving on to measurement and looking at length, weight and capacity. We will be practically exploring this unit comparing objects in the classroom. We will be measuring objects in cm and m, comparing length and
weighing objects. We are very excited to use the scales, jugs and rulers!


Year 2 are venturing back in time for our first history topic this year. We have begun by investigating a variety of historic sources which all link to our topic. We saw pictures of hospitals, soldiers and a women. We used our inference skills to work out what had happened. Once we completed our investigation we found out we were learning about Florence Nightingale. We will be watching videos, reading books and looking at sources to learn about the positive impact she had on hospitals and the kind of person she was.


Nursery blog


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