Year 6 blog:

Earlier in the term, Year 6 were visited by a theatre company called “Choices”. It taught us all about how important it is to make the right choice, even if we feel 'uncool' or that we might lose our friends. It is important that we make the right choice regardless of peer pressure. We discussed scenarios and what to do if we were approached by someone older. We also heard stories from people who had previously made the wrong choice and have now made the right one. They told us about how reflecting on their actions was an important thing to do and how it was more important to do the right thing than the fun thing. 

Last week, we were visited by Officer Paul. He has been part of the Police for 23 years. His job is to educate young people on making the right choices. During our workshop, he spoke about how important it was to be safe online with our personal information and what to do if a stranger talks to us online. We are to tell an adult we trust, then we block and report it. 


Year 6 blog:


Year 6 blog: