Year 2 blog:
This term, we’ve had an amazing time exploring mythical creatures and legends from around the world. We’ve learned all about creatures that are part of stories from the past and even used our own imaginations to create new ones! We started by looking at creatures like dragons, unicorns, and griffins. Then, we used our creativity to imagine our very own mythical creatures. We thought carefully about what they looked like, their magical powers, and where they might live. Maybe in the deep forests, on top of tall mountains, or even under the sea!
In Maths, we’ve been continuing our exploration of multiplication and division. We’ve had a great time learning about the multiplication symbol and using arrays to solve problems. Working with concrete resources like cubes has made these concepts easier to understand. When it comes to division, we’ve been grouping and sharing with cubes. We will be continuing to recall our 2s, 5s and 10 timetables. Next up, we’re diving into measurement! We’ll be comparing objects in the classroom, measuring them in centimetres and metres, and weighing things with scales and jugs. We can’t wait to see what objects are the longest or heaviest and use rulers to measure them.
Year 2 are venturing back in time for our first history topic this year. We have been learning about an incredible historical figure, Florence Nightingale. We’ve been investigating a variety of historic sources related to her life and the changes she made in healthcare. Florence Nightingale is a very significant person, and we’ve been learning about her contributions, especially at Scutari Hospital. To better understand the key events in her life, we used a washing line to sequence the events in order. It was a fun and interactive way to look at how Florence Nightingale's work changed the world. We also explored how she improved hygiene and healthcare, making it safer for soldiers during the Crimean War. It’s amazing to think about how one person could make such a difference!